~About Us~

Hi everyone! Our names are Sophie Choi and Avanti Gupta ☻. We are currently students at Arcadia High School who wanted to make math students' lives a bit more convenient.

Our Mission

Let's be honest, sometimes, math concepts are explained in a convoluted way on the internet, our main source of information in the modern day. Our goal was to make a singular website hub that contained EVERY math formula needed throughout high school math in order to make studying more efficient, especially for finals. Every photo was drawn by us and based on our own notes we wrote when we were in these classes ourselves. We know what you are going through, and we hope that we can lessen the burden of having to memorize all these formulas and concepts.

To clarify, this website is not intended to teach students 100% of math concepts, but rather, be a place to remember forgotten concepts and to quickly access a reference sheet. Please do not blindly use these formulas without knowing why; it is best to understand why the formulas exist. We tried our best to explain each one! We hope you will enjoy utilizing this website to pass your tests. We wish you luck!

~A Few Notes From Us~

Sophie Choi

Hi everyone! My name is Sophie Choi and I am a junior at Arcadia High School! I first started coding when I was about 12 years old. I originally didn't like coding because I thought it was something that only "nerds" did, but I ended up loving it within my first lesson. Ever since then, I have done numerous activities involving computer science, such as being a part of Girls Who Code and Arcadia High School's Coding Club!

I decided to participate in the Mathclopedia project Avanti and I had been wanting to make something that would not only benefit us, but high schoolers around the world. I also wanted to practice HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and using a professional platform like GitHub! It was a wild ride making this project, so I hope you all feel satisfied with our effort! ♡

Avanti Gupta

Hello smart and beautiful people! My name is Avanti Gupta and I am a senior at Arcadia High School! I was first introduced to coding in 3rd grade by Code.org and became more serious about it in sophomore year. I used to find coding boring and was uninterested until I signed up for a summer immersion program by Girls Who Code in 2021. Ever since, I have enjoyed coding new projects on my free time, took place in more GWC programs, and took AP Computer Science A + AP Computer Science Principles. I also plan to major in Data Science!

I decided to participate in this project with Sophie as we wanted to make something that would benefit us and other kids around the world. I also was eager to improve my skills in basic coding and learn more in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This has been extremely fun and tiring at the same time for me with college apps going on at the same time LOL but I've learnt a lot. I hope you all enjoy our project! ♡