~Algebra 2!~

Algebra 2 may seem scary, but don't worry, we will help you succeed :). It is similar to Algebra 1 and has a bit of Geometry, so don't sweat! You know everything. You just need a refresher

Many of the concepts in Algebra 1 are in Algebra 2 or in trigonometry. If you can't find something on this page, it is most likely on the Algebra 1 page or the Trigonometry page.



Graph of an inequality on a coordinate plane

Open and Closed Holes/Circle

  • An open hole/circle represents greater/less than (> <)
  • An closed hole/circle represents greater/less than or equal to ( )


  • The value of x is in between two values. x has to satisfy BOTH inequalities
  • Ex. -2 < x < 3


  • The value of x is NOT in between two values. x has to satisfy EITHER inequality.
  • Ex. x > 0 or x -2. x can't be -1 since it is not greater than 0 or less than -2.

Piecewise Functions

Step function

  • Multiple functions with set conditions in the form of if ___
  • Step function: a set of functions that make a stair-like graph

Absolute Value

  • Distance from 0 to the number line
  • Ex. |x| = 9 to -9, 9


  • m > 0: positive/rising slope
  • m < 0: negative/falling slope
  • m = 0: horizontal slope
  • m = undefined: vertical slope

Types of Lines

Parallel Lines

  • Same slope, different y-intercept
  • Aligned if a straight line is drawn vertically

Perpendicular Lines

  • Reciprocal slope (ex. -3 is perpendicular to -1/3)
  • Makes an X shape

y = mx + b

ax + by = c

y - y1 = m(x - x1)

Direct Variation

End Behavior/Degree

System of Linear Equations with 2 variables


  • The intersection of the linear equations is the answer to the system


  • Substitute one equation into the other's x or y respectively
  • Best used when equations in standard form are given


  • Eliminate one variable to solve for the other by adding or subtracting
  • Best used when you can eliminate a variable by multiplying one equation with a whole number. Better yet, no multiplication is needed.

System of Linear Equations with 3 variables

  1. Use substitution/elimination to eliminate one variable 2 times. You should have 2 new equations with 2 variables
  2. Use the 2 equations to eliminate another variable. Solve for the remaining variable.
  3. Plug the solved variable into one of the equations with 2 variables to solve for another variable
  4. Use the two solved variables to solve for the last variable. Plug both of them into one of the original 3 variable equations


Parabola Functions

  • Quadratic form: ax2 + bx + c
  • Vertex form: f(x) = a(x - h)2 + k
  • x intercept form: a(x-p)(x-a)
  • Vertex in quadratic form: (-b/2a), f(-b/(2a))
  • Vertex in vertex form: (h, k) (when k = y and h = x)
  • Vertex in x intercept form: V((p+q)/2, f((p+q)/2))

A few notes:

Quadratic Formula

  • Used to find the zeros of the binomials
  • When a trinomial isn't factorable, use the quadratic formula to get the exact answers

X Box Method for Factoring

  1. Put "a · c " at the top of the X and "b" at the bottom of the X
  2. Find two numbers that multiply to "a" AND add up to "b"
  3. One they are found, make two binomials like this: (ax2 + 1st number)(2nd number + c)
  4. Take out a common factor for each binomial.
  5. If the binomial in the parantheses are the same, which they should be, put the factors into their own binomial in parantheses.


  • Index: how many times a number is multiplied to get the radicand
  • Radicand: the number inside the root

Imaginary numbers

i = √-1; i2 = -1

Complex Conjugates

Standard form

Properities of exponents

  1. Product of powers: 23 · 22 = 25 = 32
  2. Power of a power: (23)2
  3. Power of a product: (2xy)3 = 8x3y3
  4. Negative exponent: (2/5)-2 = 25/4 (Negative exponents flip the numerator and denominator)
  5. Zero exponent: (20000)0 = 1
  6. Quotient of powers: x5/x2 = x3
  7. Power of a quotient: (x / y) 2

Scientific Notation

  • 0 < # < 10 · 10 #
  • Makes large numbers easier to read
  • The exponent is the amount of times the decimal pont moves backwards/forwards. Add zeros for the extra digits.
  • If the exponent is negative, move the decimal point backwards.
  • If the exponent is positive, move the decimal point forwards.

Synthetic division + Possible Rational 0s

  • Possible rational 0: values of x that could make the equation equal to 0
  • For convenience: pr0 = possible rational 0
  • If a pr0 provides a -remainder and another pr0 provides a +remainder, the actual rational 0 will be a value in between them
  • Ex. 1 and 3 are pr0s. 1 = -8 as a remainder and 3 = 48 as a remainder; 2 is the rational 0 in between 1 and 3 that will produce a remainder of 0

Factoring Fractions

  • The same numbers on the numerator and denominator can be cancelled out (since dividing a number with itself = 1)

Adding and Subtracting Complex Fractions

  • If two denominators are the same, you can add and subtract the fractions
  • If the two denominators ARE NOT the same, find the least common denominator between the two fractions. Multiply the fractions by a number over itself to get the desired denominator.
  • If you multiply on one side, multiply on the other side.



Composition of functions

  • A function becomes the x of another function
  • Can be written in this notation

Rational/radical exponents

Example of an exponent as a fraction

  • Rational number: a number that can be written as a fraction
  • The denominator of a radical exponent is what the root will be (ex. x1/2= √x
  • The numerator of a radical exponent is what the number will be raised to the power of (ex. x3/2= (√x)3

Inverse Functions

  • IS NOT 1/f
  • Swap x and y then solve for y to find the inverse function
  • If you are trying to find the inverse of a parabola, make sure to find the restriction

Logarithms, Exponentials, and Compound Interest


  • Has a horizontal asymptote
  • Focal point: first integer point closest to HA
  • a: distance between focal point and horizontal asymptote (+ = focal point is above HA, - = focal point is below HA)


  • Has a vertical asymptote
  • logX: log10X
  • lnX: logeX
  • logan = x is the same as ax = n
  • logan = x is the same as ln n / ln a = x

Distance Formula

A photo of the distance formula
  • Finds the distance between two points on a coordinate plane
  • The distance formula is also the pythagorean therom.
  • The distance between two points is the hypotenuse of a right triangle.

Midpoint Formula

A photo of the midpoint formula

Conic Sections


  • p = distance between the vertex and focus point
  • h = changes the x position of the vertex
  • k = changes the y position of the vertex
  • The directrix is always behind the parabola's vertex
  • The focus is always directly in front of the vertex


  • h = changes the x position of the center
  • k = changes the y position of the center
  • a = distance between the center and vertex
  • b = distance between the center and co-vertex
  • c = distance between the center and focus (the focus is directly in front of the vertex)


  • h = changes the x position of the center
  • k = changes the y position of the center
  • a = distance between the center and vertex
  • b = distance between the center and co-vertex
  • c = distance between the center and focus (the focus is directly in front of the vertex)
  • There are two asymptotes that cross each other at the center

Equation of a Circle

a photo for the equation of a circle
  • Center = (h,k)
  • Radius = r
  • Find the midpoint of the circle using two points to find the center
  • Distance from a point and the center is the radius





  • Use permutations when the order in a scenario matters
  • Ex. How many ways can a group of people come in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place


  • Use combinations when the order in a scenario DOES NOT matter
  • Ex. Pick 4 meals out of a menu with a total of 15 meals

Odds in favor/not in favor of an event

Binomial Theorem

  • Use the triangle above to expand a binomial by its respective exponent
  • Multiply each term in the expansion according to the triangle
  • First row: exponent = 0
  • Second row: exponent = 1
  • Third row: exponent = 2
  • Fourth row: exponent = 4. etc.
  1. Expand (2x + 3y) 4
  2. Binomial is to the power of 4
  3. 1(2x)4 (3y) 0 + 4(2x)3(3y)1 + 6(2x)2(3y)2 + 4(2x)1(3y)3 + 1(2x)0(3y)4
  4. Simplify

Data terms

  • Mean: average; find by adding all the data and divide by the total numbers present
  • Median: the middle of the data set
  • Mode: most common number in a data set
  • Range: largest - smallest
  • Standard deviation:
    • Σ = sigma: sum of multiple terms
    • N = sample size
    • x i = each value from the data set
    • x with the line above: mean

Standard Deviation Bell Curve

  • Shows how common a certain part of the data is
  • Used in biology if you are taking that

Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences


Summation Notation

  • Easy way to write a summation of a sequence
  • n = the amount of times the right side is added to itself (represents the last term of the sequence)
  • i = contributes to the amount of times the right side is added to itself (represents the first term of the sequence)
  • If i does not equal 1, the sequence starts at another place in the sequence

Infinite Sequence

Arithmetic sequences

  • Finds the nth term of a sequence. Has LINEAR nth term rules (addition/subtraction).
  • d = common difference (pattern in the sequence). Ex. add 6 for each term
  • The bottom formula is the same as point slope form
  • Used to find d in an arithmetic sequence. You can use d to find the arithmetic equation of the sequence
  • Same formula used to find the slope of a line
  • Numerator: subtract the two numbers
  • Denominator: the subtraction of the nth term of both numbers

  • Efficient way to find the sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic sequence

Geometric Sequences

  • Finds the nth term of a sequence. Has EXPONENTIAL nth term rules (addition/subtraction).
  • r = common difference (pattern in the sequence). Ex. add 6 for each term
  • Finds the sum of the first n terms of a geometric sequence
  • Finds the sum of an infinite geometric series

We are now on Trigonometry. We will be skipping it since it has its own page. Refer to here for the missing parts